Saturday 21 April 2012

Mother's Day - already?

It's not quite May yet, but Mother's Day is creeping up slowly and before we know it, it will have arrived.
I haven't quite settled on an exact idea for Mother's Day yet this year.
Last year it snuck up on me so quickly that my own dear mother had to come in and help me out! She assisted my darling Year 4s and 5s to bake sweet little cupcakes which they packaged up in a cute little box.
This year I am determined to get in before the last minute, but I would like it to be related to the rest of our learning too, so that it adds to what we are already doing and the students can get the most out of it.
I had thought about planting herb seeds last term since we were doing life stages in Science, but I was concerned that my thumbs were not so green and they would not result in healthy looking plants. Do you think mums would like limp herbs anyway? Maybe they would. At least with Year 2, anything they make will be considered sweet - it's the thought that counts, and when coupled with a toothless grin, it would be heart-melting!
Since we are doing "Mixing Things" in science, and I had already ruled out the plant thing (too late now, anyway) I am thinking bath bombs or bath crystals. We made soap a few years ago when I had Year 4, but I had ordered the stuff online and it took weeks to arrive, so again, I'm not organised enough for soap....
I googled "Mother's Day craft mix" to see what came up, and searched the images. I found a very simple recipe for cinnamon sugar (basically just cinnamon and sugar, LOL!)
This picture is from Mommy Cooks. Check their blog for the recipe too.
I think this would look great in a little bag with some pink ribbon if I can't find enough jars.
We have Year 5 buddies who I am sure would love to help us out so I just have to narrow down the plan and work out a time to do it!

What are you making this Mother's Day?

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