Tuesday 27 March 2012


I stumbled across this really great idea for learning about adjectives by Megan from Mrs Wheeler's First Grade Tidbits.
She used fillable plastic eggs (available from Spotlight in Australia) and gave one to each child.
The children had to take the eggs home and find an object to put in the egg. They had to write three adjectives that would describe their object and then the other children play a guessing game to determine what is in the egg.
I have made a worksheet that I will have my students complete as a record and also as a display.

A lot of my children were having trouble saying "adjective" but now that we are saying "adj-EGG-tive" they are starting to make the idea stick in their minds.
It is a great idea to keep them interested in grammar in the lead up to Easter!
Only three more days until holidays!

Here is a photo of the adj-EGG-tives on my back board. Not the most inspiring display ever but it is the last week of term and I just wanted to get them up in a hurry. Maybe someone can do this in their room and post a much more exciting photo.

I'm adding this link to Kindergarten Lifestyle's Easter Egg Hunt idea, because this is another great educational idea for plastic eggs and I want to be able to find it again next year!
Her idea is to have an Easter Hunt but she puts numbers in the eggs for the children to find, then they bring them to her and have to tell her the number before she gives them the chocolate. You could easily make this activity easier or harder or make it a revision of anything you wanted to review. What a simple but creative idea!


  1. Thanks for the idea, Jane! I've bought some of these eggs and was thinking of what I could use them for - you've saved me heaps of blog searching!


  2. Hi Jane! Just trying to catch up on posts that I have missed over the last few weeks. I LOVE this!! I just bought a couple (OK, shhh if you don't tell my husband) quite a few packs of these eggs on sale after Easter...I can't wait to use this activity!! Thank you so much for sharing:)
    Good Morning Mrs Rubie
